What is Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is also known as Juvenile Arthritis, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, Juvenile Polyarthritis, JRA, and Still’s disease.

In general JIA is a term used to describe arthritis in children. It may be either long term or short term with long term being the most common end result.

The two most common symptoms of this condition are joint swelling and joint pain.
Unfortunately the cause of this condition is unknown and is thought to be an autoimmune illness. This indicates that the body’s own immune system lacks the ability to recognize its own healthy tissue and destroys it.
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms may start as early as young as six months old and is usually diagnosed before the age of 16.

Types of JRA

There are several types of JRA some more severe than others.
Systemic JRA: This type of Juvenile arthritis involves joint swelling, pain fevers or rash. It is the least common
Polyarticular JRA : This form of JRA involves many joints. It may in the end turn into rheumatoid arthritis. It involves at least five or more large and small joints of the legs and arms, as well as the jaw and neck.
Pauciarticular JRA: This form of JRA involves four or less joints. Generally the wrists and /or knee are involved. It is also possible that this condition may affect the eyes.

Symptoms of Juvenile Arthritis

Here is a list of general symptoms that may present with JRA:

• joint stiffness and pain
• limited range of motion
• warm swollen or red joints
• restriction of movement of an effected limb or may walk with limp

Entire Body JRA Symptoms:

• fever –usually high every day
• rash that comes and goes with the fever and presents on the trunk and extremities
• pale skin
• swollen lymph nodes
• look sick

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis may also cause eye problems known as uveitis, iridocycitis or iritis. There may not be any symptoms or the person may have:

• red eyes
• eye pain that may get worse when looking at light
• vision changes

Tests and Signs for JRA

Blood Tests:

• rheumatoid factor
• Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
• Complete blood count
• HLA antigens for HLA B27

Any or all these blood tests may be normal in patients with JRA.


• Swollen liver
• Swollen spleen
• swollen lymph nodes

The medical professional may place a small needle into a swollen joint to remove fluid. This can help to find the cause of the arthritis and help relieve pain as well.
Sometimes, the health care provider will inject steroids into the joint to help with swelling.
This may be in the form of a cortisol injection. As much as there is benefits to this injection there may side effects ass well too.

***Repeated cortisone or steroid injection can lead to weakness and tearing of the tissue surrounding the joint. This leads to joint instability***

There some other tests that may be done to help get a diagnosis for the problem.

• X-ray of the involved joint
• Bone scan
• X-ray of the chest
• Eye exam by an ophthalmologist on a regular basis

Treatment for JRA


If a small number of joints are involved NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen may be enough to control symptoms.
Corticosteroids, which are more powerful, may be prescribed for severe flare ups to help control symptoms.

Unfortunately, children who have arthritis in many joints or who have come down with fever, rash and swollen glands may need other medications. These medications are called DMARDs (disease – modifying anti-rheumatic drugs). They can decrease or prevent swelling in the joints or body
This would include Methotrexate . This is a powerful drug and you need to be aware of its possible risks:

• Gastrointestinal ulceration (tearing of the lining of the digestive tract)
• Bleeding mouth
• Throat ulceration (tearing of the lining of the throat)
• Severe bone marrow depression (weakening of the bone marrow)
• Possible damage to the lungs, liver or kidneys
• Loss of hair

This drug is used to fight both childhood and adult cancers.
This drug is given to control symptoms such as pain, swollen joints, early morning stiffness and decrease range of motion.
It is important for your child to avoid this drug if there is an allergic reaction, have had a recent exposure to either chicken pox or shingles.

If your child exhibits any of the following symptoms report this to your family physician:

• Vomiting
• Severe reaction to sun
• Intestinal cramping
• Diarrhea (may be bloody)
• Painful urination
• Eye irritation
• Bloody urine
• Increased fatigue
• Increased weakness
• Abnormal bleeding
• Abnormal bruising
*** It is vital to monitor your child on a daily basis for any of these side effects***

The next drug used might be Prednisone.
The possible risks with this drug are:

• Altered mood and personality
• Cataracts, glaucoma
• Hypertension (high blood pressure)
• Abnormal heartbeats
• Osteoporosis
• Increased susceptibility to infection from others

The purpose of this drug is to relieve swelling and the inflammatory response.
Some side effects may include:

• Increased appetite
• Weight gain
• Retention of water and salt leading to high blood pressure
• Growth changes
• Depression
• Poor wound healing
• Easy bruising

Again with any significant adverse reaction see your family physician or go to emergency at the hospital closest to you.
Other drugs that may be taken are etanercept, infliximab.

Be Proactive with Juvenile Arthritis

Your child needs to be active.  They need to be moving as much as possible and they need to keep their muscle strong.
There are several activities they can do keep fit and moving.
Here are some things they can do:

• walk -20 -30 minutes a day
• bicycle -20- 30 minutes a day
• track and field –sprints at school

***Precaution –if there is any pain then modify the activity.***

Less is better than more. Your child warm up before participating in any activities. This could be a simple as starting slow and getting faster on a bike.
Your child may do simple range of motion exercises at home for both the upper and lower body.

For the lower body your child may lie on their back with hip and knees bent so that the foot is flat on the floor.
Then all they do straighten and bend the leg. They can do ten on one side then ten on the other side. They may work up to 3 sets of ten repetitions.
For the upper body they can stand and perform forward and backward arm circles.
Again they can work up to three sets of ten.

It has been my experience that the hip and back tend to be the sorest joints.

Massage Therapy Treatment for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Generally the back and hip tend to be the areas of most pain. Muscles tend to have increased muscle and are “tight”

Depending on your clients pain tolerance and comfort level myofascial release either direct or indirect may prove to be very beneficial as treatment.

You can take a towel and rinse it under very warm water (avoid hot to avoid burns) and wrap it around the affected area. The feeling of heat usually last from 5 to 8 minutes. Be sure to check every couple of minutes to see how they are feeling.

As best you can stay upbeat and positive. It is possible that your child might develop sadness and anger. Do not hesitate to look for counseling if this becomes more than you can handle.
Many times this sadness and anger results from the pain and inability to perform certain tasks.
Have your child focus on their accomplishments.

Nutrition for Children with JRA

Sound nutrition for your child may help minimize some of the pain and inflammation.
In general you want to stay away from fatty foods that cause inflammation. Good healthy eating will minimize some of fatigue, pain and swelling that your child is suffering from. It is not a be all end all but it does help to eat well.

Supplements may also help with the inflammation. Things such as fish oils and vitamin C. That being said I would consult with a nutritionist or your child’s rheumatoid specialist.

Complications of JRA

As with many different conditions there may be complication with JRA. This would include:

• Slow rate of growth
• Uneven growth of an arm or leg
• Loss of vision or decreased vision
• Anemia
• Swelling around the heart
• Chronic pain
Any time your child gets new symptoms or current symptoms get worse follow up immediately with your family physician.

The Future

If your child blood tests come back positive for rheumatoid factor they more likely to develop chronic pain, disability, and poor school attendance.
Chances are that your child will develop rheumatoid arthritis as an adult if they test positive for rheumatoid factor.

Depending on the severity of the JRA some children may need surgery and / or joint replacement.

Many children with JRA go into remission with very little loss of function and joint damage. This usually occurs if the child has had only a few number joints affected.

Summary of JRA

The purpose of this mini report was to give some firsthand information and introduce to Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.
You have been given both the worst case scenario and the best case scenario so that you are prepared to deal with this issue with your child.

As practicing massage therapist working with JRA I find that the mindset of the child and the support of the parents have a major influence on the child.
The areas I tend to work on most are the back and legs.

You may be interested in picking up our complementary book “Your Healing Hands” to help you give a massage to your child.

What Is Frozen Shoulder?

What is Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is a term that identifies different conditions that results in painful restriction of range of motion of the shoulder joint.

Frozen Shoulder Symptoms

The most apparent sign of frozen shoulder is lack of range of motion at the shoulder joint. You will find that is difficult  to raise your arm to the side , turn your arm out  to put on a jacket and put your hand behind your back to pull up your pants. The most common symptom is pain with shoulder movement.

Causes of Frozen Shoulder

There are several possible causes of frozen shoulder syndrome. they can be grouped in to three categories: Idiopathic, Traumatic or Postural.

Idiopathic: This mean that there is no known specific cause. Generally what happens is you fall asleep one night and wake up the next day with limited movement at the shoulder. If you try to increase the range of motion it either hurts or barely moves. It is “stuck”.

Trauma : Any type of acute injury such as fracture or dislocation of the shoulder. Usually with this type of  injury the shoulder is put into a sling and motion is restricted. Over a period of time the capsule shortens and the muscles that surround the shoulder joint become short and”tight”. this leads to a gradual restriction in movement.

Repetitive stress injuries or overuse injuries  such as supraspinatis and biceps tendonitis or any bursitis at the shoulder joint can lead to frozen shoulder.

Postural: This is a gradual onset.  Many people spend a lot of time in front of a computer, sitting at a desk or driving back and forth to work. This leaves body in a forward sitting position with your arms in front of and possible slouched. as a result of this posture the shoulder blades  tend to move away from the  center of the back causes muscles in the chest and and anterior shoulder to shorten and  turn the shoulder in. These leads to what is commonly known as rounded shoulders.

You will also find postural imbalances with people who work out. Many young males who want to have the “beach look” have a tendency to be on unbalanced programs and focus their training on the “show me” muscles.

This would include the arm muscles in particular biceps, the chest muscles in particular the pectoralis major muscle. These guys tend to forget to balance their programs with exercises for the back.

Over time and as they age the shoulders have tendency to move forward and turn in. This leads to the restricted range of motion and shoulder pain.

They want end up looking like this…

However years later they end up looking like this!

Body Builder "Wannabe" with Rounded Shoulders

Frozen Shoulder Stages

Frozen shoulder syndrome goes through three different stages.


In this stage there is intense pain at rest and with movement.  There is limitation of motion within 2-3 weeks after onset and there is also night pain with disturbed sleep. this stage may last from 10-36 weeks.


There is pain only with movement. it is at this time that muscle compensation occurs around the shoulder joint. this is the beginning of change in posture as the shoulder becomes rounded.  There is also the beginning of atrophy (decrease muscle size) of the deltod, tricep, bicep and rotator cuff muscles. This leads to overuse of the trapezius muscle and pain in the neck.

This can last from 4-12 weeks.

Thawing :

Some the signs and symptoms in this stage may be the same as in the frozen stage. There is significant restriction in range of motion from build up adhesions to the capsule of the joint. Unfortunately  if treatment for this condition begins in this stage normal range of motion will be very difficult to regain.

Functional Limitations

Day to day activities such as brushing your hair, teeth will be difficult to do. Other things that will be a challenge include lifting heavy objects, repetitive movements, and reaching to your back pocket.

Frozen Shoulder Therapy

Frozen Shoulder Treatment needs to be a combination of both manual work and exercises.

Several massage therapy techniques may be used to increase muscle length of the shortened muscles. Since the joint is “stuck” joint play or “pulling” of the arm is indicated.

Exercises is also important to strengthen the weak postural muscles. Generally muscles such as mid fibres of trapezius, rhomboids and , lateral rotators of the shoulder  need to be strengthened.

Frozen Shoulder Exercises

Here are two simple exercises that you can do at home if think you have the beginning of frozen shoulder.

The  first is a pendulum swing.

1) Stand with one leg in front of the other in front of desk or table.

2) Place the hand one the same side as the front leg on the desk or table for support.

3) Allow the free hand and arm to hang at your side.

4) Bend and straighten your knees allowing your body to rock back and forth. This naturally causes the arm to swing.

The second exercise is a unique posture stance.

1) Stand with feet at or little past shoulder width.

2) Tuck in your tummy

3) With your arms at your side, turn your shoulders out and back.

4) Bring your head straight back on your neck.

5) Hold for six second and work up to 3 sets of ten repetitions.

This should help you move forward in treating your frozen shoulder.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment

Frozen Shoulder Treatment – What is The best Treatment for Frozen Shoulder?

In order to be successful with treating frozen shoulder you need to have completed a thorough case history and objective orthopedic testing.

Combining general massage techniques, myofascial release techniques and a postural balance exercise program is good way to start.

Once you have gone through your assessment it is time to get to business with treating the frozen shoulder that your client presents with.

Adhesive Capsulitis Treatment- an Oil Free Treatment

General findings on assessment tend to be restricted abduction, lateral rotation and medial rotation.  The muscles to treat would be pectoralis major and minor, subscapularis, latissimus dorsi, upper fibres of trapezius and subclavius.

We must remember that during the last 90 degrees of abduction the clavicle must be able to elevate posteriorly 30 to 60 and rotate 50 degrees posteriorly. If the subclavius muscle is shortened or in a holding pattern abduction is limited to to 120 degrees.

The subclavius muscle tends to be forgotten in many shoulder treatments as most focus is put toward the subscapularis.

Joint play at the glenohumeral joint will be necessary to help regain abduction and external rotation.

As with any type of massage treatment there is more than one way to get the same results – pain free range of motion.

Here is one approach to treating adhesive capsulitis

Client Position: Prone (face down)to start.

1. Moist Heat on the Anterior surface of the glenohumeral joint.
1. Direct or indirect myofascial release to the back -general work
2. Myofascial Release of the Latissimus Dorsi – watch this short video
3. Scapular Mobilization

Client Position: Supine (face up)

1. Long axis traction (distraction)
2. Myofascial release of the pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, subscapularis, upper fibers of trapezius and subclavius.
3. Transverse friction of the anterior capsule of the shoulder
4. Anterior, inferior and lateral glides of the humerous.
5. Anterior and posterior glide of the sternoclavicular joint

You may also want to visit massagetherapypros youtube channel as well
for more frozen shoulder advanced myofascial release techniques.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment Exercises

Pendulum swings 3 times 30 clockwise, 3 times 30 counter clockwise
Shoulder Retraction work up to 3 sets of ten
Lateral Rotation work up to 3 sets of ten

There are many more frozen shoulder exercises you may do or give to your client as these are good to get them started.

Lymphatic Drainage

What is Lymphatic Drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage massage sometimes referred to as MLD is a set of massage techniques that that reduces swelling. Superficial lymphatic drainage massage technique is a variation of superficial effleurage developed Emil Vodder in the 20th century.

As like many techniques developed in earlier times, there are now several schools of manual lymphatic drainage that have taken lymph drainage massage to another level.
The strokes in general, are centripetal, in other words toward the heart.

MLD is an effective treatment for people who have lymphedema as result of lymph node inflammation, post surgery swelling, acute ankle sprain etc.

Lymphatic Drainage Benefits

There are several benefits received from a treatment by a manual lymphatic drainage therapist. They include but are not limited to:

• increase lymphatic return from the region it is applied to
• increased volume of lymph returned the venous blood system
• increase local blood flow
• relaxation
• reduce pain
• improved immune system function

MLD massage is effective particularly in the treatment of lymphedema that arises after surgical intervention in breast cancer.

Lymphatic massage is contraindicated for acute or local inflammation due to bacterial or viral infection, untreated spreading cancers, allergic reactions to medication, recent thrombosis and swelling due to right-sided heart failure.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Training

It is important to be treated by a manual lymphatic drainage massage therapist.
Generally these massage or lymph drainage therapists have specialized training and certification for this type of treatment.

They know how to recognize:
• major vascular disease
• major lymphatic dysfunction
• accurately locate the areas need for treatment

Manual lymph drainage massage is a principal technique of several schools of MLD, which may also use superficial effleurage, compression and other techniques. Lymph drainage may be used in conjunction with these techniques or used on its own for specific lymph drainage needs.
What to Look for In A Good Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist?

Here are the more important things to think about while searching for a good lymph drainage therapist:

• experience
• communication skills
• personable
• strong referral network

Other things to take into consideration for lymphatic drainage massage:

• location

• fees

Lymphatic Drainage Treatment – Lymphedema Treatment Centers


What to Look for In Lymphedema Treatment Centers

Before looking into any type of lymphedema treatment centers it is important to understand the meaning of lymphedema.

Lymphedema is a “swelling or blockage” of the lymph nodes” It can be extremely painful and may require a lifetime of treatment. Generally lymphedema is treated by manual lymph drainage (MLD).

Here are a few tips in looking for lymphedema treatment centers:

1. Check out the staff of the treatment center. What is the training and certification of the lymphedema massage therapists?

This includes where they received training, how they were certified, do they participate in organizations like the National Lymphedema Network, where they are kept current of new developments and treatment modalities.

2. Is the treatment supervised daily by a physician or is it operated by a lymphedema therapist?

Ask to have the treatment plan given to you in writing and insist it be followed as described. This way you know what the expectations are.

3. The treatment should include the following:

A. Given Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) and manual lymphatic drainage by the therapist.

Complete decongestive therapy consists of four components:

Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD )

• Graduated Compression Garments

• Therapeutic Exercises

• Meticulous Skin Care

B. You should be taught how to do self CDT. Since you need to do this on a consistent daily basis, your partner will need to learn this as well.

C. You may need to use diuretics.

Generally, the use of diuretics is opposed in the treatment of lymphedema; there may be times of urgency, when the fluid accumulation can be life threatening that diuretics may be needed. This must be discussed with your lymphedema doctor to see if it is necessary and appropriate for you.

B. Bandaging…both having it done by the therapist, and learning how to do it correctly yourself.

C. Exercise….absolutely essential as it will not only help get the body strengthened, but exercise/movement facilitates lymph movement and flow.

D. Water exercises are another excellent method of helping to clear the fluid out…
E. Your diet is very important.

It is important to eat in a healthy manner for couple of reasons:

1. get the nutrients you need

2. maintain regular body weight

If you are overweight from bad dietary habits, you are seriously complicating your lymphedema and this issue simply has to be addressed and worked on.

Finally, write down completely your expectations of the treatments and promised results.

Give a copy to your doctor and discuss it with them. Keep a copy for yourself.

Ask yourself and the lymphedema doctor if in fact an inpatient stay is really what is needed – or can your expectations and needs be met successfully in an outpatient setting.

How to Find Lymphedema Treatment Centers

A. Ask the doctor who diagnosed you with lymphedema if he knows of any treatment centers in the area. Your physician can give you contact information for local lymphedema treatment centers as well as information about what the treatment will do.

B. Call a cancer center and ask about local lymphedema treatment centers. These types of organizations will be able to put you in contact with centers in your area.

C. Contact local hospitals. Nearby hospitals will be able to give you relevant contact information for lymphedema treatment centers.

Lymphedema treatment

Palpation – Touch for Health Newsletter

Palpation – Touch for Health Newsletter

Welcome to the Massage Therapy Pros.ca Newsletter.

With this newsletter you will receive information on updated guest blog posts, advanced techniques, information on CEU courses and business tips from time to time.

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Warmest Regards
JJ Wolfe and Associates

Pediatric and Infant Massage Therapy

The Benefits of Infant Massage Therapy for Babies and young Children

Modified with permission from Sarah King,  RMT of rmt4kids.com

While the benefits of pediatric and infant massage therapy are much the same as those for adults the approach to treatment is different depending on the age of the child. There are numerous reasons a child or baby may benefit from infant massage therapy, and in this article we will look at muscle and joint pain, relaxation and stress management, and inactivity and repetitive stress. .

Pediatric and Infant Massage Therapy – Pain Relief

While pain in children can be a sign of something serious, it can also be the result of many other less serious issues. Children experience muscle tension and discomfort from rapid changes during growth, sports, injury, carrying heavy back packs, lack of movement (long held stationary positions) or repetitive activities such as excessive use of game systems, computers, or texting.

Muscle tension in children can cause headaches, low back pain and joint discomfort and pain. Massage therapy for children is a gentle yet effective tool to relax muscle, relieve cramping and promote joint mobility and health and promote injury healing. This happens by bringing circulation and nutrients to the joint and muscle, blocking pain channels, reducing edema and by promoting the release of endorphins.

Pediatric and Infant Massage Therapy – Stress and Anxiety Relief

We’ll next look at anxiety in children. Children feel stress or anxiety about many things including homework, grades, family issues, peer relationships, illness or even as a result of chemical imbalance and mental health issues.

Children often don’t know how to communicate their fears and will internalize them. When this happens children may complain about stomach aches, or headaches, or other types of pain with no apparent cause. Often but not exclusively sleep disturbances can be linked to anxiety and stress.

Regular pediatric and  infant massage therapy treatments can stimulate the part of the nervous system (parasympathetic) that takes care of the promotion of relaxation, improving the management of stress and better sleep.

In studies where Massage Therapists have taught parents how to massage their child, and the parents have performed the massage daily, these studies have shown the reduction of cortisol levels (stress hormones) in the child.

Pediatric and Infant Massage Therapy – Wellness and Education

Pediatric and infant massage therapy is a wonderful tool for promoting wellness in children. Adults for the most part are fairly disconnect from their bodies and only take notice and action when they’re in crisis.

One of the wonderful things about working with children is that they’re still very much in tune with their bodies; and while they may not know exactly how to express it, they are very eager to learn.

As Massage Therapists we can teach them at a very young age to listen to their body, give them language to express what’s going on and to quickly take action when it doesn’t feel right: and they will.

We can do this with both hands on treatments and through educating children and their parents and providing the family with tools they can use to stay physically well and manage stress when it’s manageable.

For more information about pediatric and infant massage training contact Sarah at [email protected] or visit her website at rmt4kids.com or at 416-928-6068.

Pregnancy Massage

What You Should Know About Home Pregnancy Massage Techniques

If you are like most parent’s to be, then you’re probably very enthusiastic about how home pregnancy massage techniques may help to alleviate the symptoms, aches and pains that the majority moms to be suffer during pregnancy.

However, while there may growing evidence that home pregnancy massage might be an effective way to soothe backache, limit swelling, and help to fight stretch marks, in addition there are a number of things you might want to know about home massage while pregnant before you try it yourself!  Allow us to share a couple of the facts you you need to know.

Before you start any type of home massage program while pregnant, you should first get the all clear from your doctor.  There are certain conditions that limit the areas that you can practice home massage during pregnancy, and some that mean you should avoid the practice altogether.

It is a good idea to learn how, and where, it is safe to massage during pregnancy. Some types of pressure are not recommended during pregnancy and it is best to learn a few techniques before you try them!

Certain massage oils and lotions, particularly those that contain herbs, are not considered safe for use during pregnancy. Make sure that you avoid products that contain those ingredients.

There are certain positions that are considered safe for massage during pregnancy , as an example, lying on your side. However, those positions that put pressure on your abdomen should be avoided.

Home massage during pregnancy is actually physically, emotionally, and mentally beneficial to you, your partner, and your baby. Just remember to} educate yourself about safe practices, and that you report any strange side effects to your doctor, however, if you want to get the benefits without the risks.

Pregnancy Massage During the First Trimester

Should you be an expecting mom, then there’s a good chance you have been following trends in managing the symptoms of pregnancy, and in that case, you have probably seen that pregnancy massage can be of great benefit. Let us look at some of the benefits of pregnancy massage in case you are in your first trimester:

Fatigue. The first trimester is one of the most tiring and stressful periods of your pregnancy and during this portion of your pregnancy, the relaxation, and rejuvenation that massage offers can be the biggest benefit to you.

Morning sickness. There have been extensive studies done on morning sickness, and findings indicate that there is a strong link between morning sickness and stress. Since massage will help to treat stress, it is also believed to be beneficial in lessening the symptoms of morning sickness.

Constipation. Constipation is common among women in their first trimester, largely thanks to the changes in your body caused by hormones. Gentle stimulation of the skin on your abdomen can help to stimulate intestinal movement, and kick-start a sluggish digestive tract.

Breast tenderness. While massage of sensitive and sore breasts is not recommended, massage therapy treatments like cold compresses and hydrotherapy can help to reduce tenderness and swelling.

Headaches. Again, because of the relaxation associated with pregnancy massage , it is an effective part of the treatment of first trimester headaches.

Getting into the routine of pregnancy massage early in your pregnancy and adapting that routine as your pregnancy progresses, is a great, natural way to treat many of the aches and pains associated with expecting throughout your pregnancy. So why not start now!

Pregnancy Massage During the Second Trimester

If you are already in your second trimester, good for you! You are probably settling into your pregnancy nicely, and if you are lucky, like most women, the worst of the morning sickness is behind you. Whether you have already made pregnancy massage a part of your routine or not, there are still many benefits to these techniques. These include:

Stretch marks. As your abdomen begins to grow, and you start to ‘show’, the skin on your belly begins to stretch to accommodate your baby. Pregnancy massage , particularly when using specially formulated lotions, or tissue oil, can help to ease this stretching process, and limit the formation of stretch marks.

Backache. As your growing baby begins to put more pressure on your back and abdominal muscles during the second trimester of your pregnancy, you will start to notice that you experience backache. Pregnancy massage techniques will help to alleviate the pain connected with this, and help to soothe your tired muscles.

Blood pressure. Many women experience a sharp increase in blood pressure during their second trimester of pregnancy. In fact, about 10% of women will experience this symptom, and while the cause is not completely clear, pregnancy massage has been shown to reduce stress, and anxiety, and can help to lower blood pressure in many cases.

Carpal tunnel syndrome. Thanks to the build up of fluids in your body as you retain more water, it is not uncommon to experience carpal tunnel syndrome in your wrists. Pregnancy massage techniques can help to limit fluid build up and the symptoms associated with it.

During the second trimester of your pregnancy, you are also likely to start feeling your baby moving. This makes this an extra special time for pregnancy massage, as it allows you to share the movement of your child with your partner. So if you have not started practicing pregnancy massage yet, now is a good time to find out more!

Pregnancy Massage During the Third Trimester

If you are in the third trimester of your pregnancy, then you are probably already counting down the days until you get to hold your new arrival! Pregnancy massage can still help to alleviate some of the more common symptoms associated with the third trimester of your pregnancy. These include:

  • Helping to ease discomfort in the ribs, shortness of breath, and indigestion.
  • Swelling of the ankles and feet.
  • Preparation of the breasts for breast-feeding.
  • Softening and preparing the perineum for birth.
  • Relaxation and easing of anxiety.

Pregnancy massage during the final trimester is usually very different to that of the first and second trimesters. First, there is the aspect of comfort, with many women finding that lying down for massage is harder and long periods of lying supine being ill advised.

There is also an aspect of intimacy to the application of pregnancy massage in the preparation of your body for birth and motherhood that makes it something ideally suited to a private moment between you and your partner.

The benefits of pregnancy massage in preventing stretch marks, relaxation and more still apply, but you will need to be especially careful and gentle during massage, to ensure your baby’s continued safety.

***Keep in mind that if you experience any adverse effects from pregnancy massage during the third trimester, or if you notice anything strange during a massage, you should contact your doctor immediately!***

For the time being, put your feet up and relax as much as possible, take it easy,  use and enjoy pregnancy massage and other safe techniques to treat the symptoms of RPL.

Sports Massage

Sports Massage What Is Sports Massage

Sports Massage Therapy is the application of basic and treatment oriented massage techniques for athletes with the purpose of enhancing the athlete’s preparation or recovery from the physical demands of training and competition.

The golden rule is “DO NO HARM”. Inappropriate techniques may have a negative effect on both the athlete’s physical and mental performance.

Generally the sports massage techniques are broader and less intrusive than clinical work.

Benefits of Sports Massage

Sports massage may have the following benefits and assist in:

• Consistency in training
• Reduction in strain and discomfort from training
• Reduction from muscle and tendon tightness
• Healing acute injuries and reduction in scar tissue formation to help prevent chronic conditions
• Heal chronic injuries and treat biomechanical imbalances

“Physiological” Effects of Sports Massage

Sports massage may assist in:

• Improved fluid circulation
• Muscular relaxation /stimulation
• Separation of muscle from connective tissue
• Formation of healthy scar tissue and connective tissue normalization
• Deactivation of myofascial trigger points

“Psychological” Effects of Sports Massage

• Encourage relaxation and readiness
• Reduce anxiety and competition stress
• Increase alertness and mental clarity
• Increase “feelings” of well being
• Boost confidence

“Performance” – Related Effects of Sports Massage

Sports massage may:

• Increase energy
• Increase range of motion at joints
• Develop faster recovery post training
• Decrease pain
• Improve positive outlook

3 Main Categories of Sports Massage

Sports massage utilizes specific broad techniques depending on the time of the massage.

There are about seven to eight stages of application for sports massage. The following are the three most common:

1) Pre-Event Performance Sports Massage:

This massage has primarily a stimulating effect. Generally this type of massage is performed without oil. It takes place within an hour before an event. It is done as part of the warm up process for the athlete.

2) Inter-Event Sports Massage

This type of massage occurs in between same day events. This type of sports massage occurs with and without oil. The objective here is to help with the cool down process post event and stimulate for the next competition or event.

3) Post Event Cool Down Sports Massage

The major focus of this treatment is drainage. It is a relaxing massage. It should be done without creating any pain.

The depth of the strokes is light to moderate. The strokes are rhythmical and broad. Generally this massage should not last longer than twenty minutes. The areas of the body to be treated will depend on the athlete’s needs.

Sports Massage Certification

In Canada in order to be recognized as sports massage therapist you must go through a certification process. This in general includes putting time in at sporting events collecting “field” hours as well as hours in a clinical setting.

Although many schools have sports massage outreaches as part of their curriculum it is important to take a recognized course through the Canadian Sports Massage Therapists Association with a certified sports massage therapist.

The opportunity to participate with professional sports teams, winter and summer Olympians, national sports teams and high level amateur sports teams increases significantly if you have your sports massage certification.

To get more specific information you can go to the CSMTA website.

Equine Sports Massage

Equine sports massage has recently gained some popularity in the world of sports massage.

Equine sports massage therapy can address issues in a horse such as:

• Inhibited motion
• Shortening of stride
• Stiffness
• Head tossing
• Bucking and kicking
• Tracking unevenly
• Refusing to pick up the correct lead
• Sore back
• Showing signs of resistance

Here are a couple of benefits for Equine Sports Massage:

  • Strengthen the Equine-Human Bond
  • Help prevent disease before it occurs

Massage Therapy Online Training


Massage Therapy Online Training

Massage Therapy Online Training: For The Public

Massage therapy online training programs provide an alternative, convenient way to learn massage therapy from the comfort of your home. Researching massage schools and courses on the internet is great!

Most courses offered on-line will only cover the history of massage, and briefly describe the various strokes associated with massage. Most will require hands-on practice.

A massage routine may be included in some online courses; although it will be very basic and you will want to revise it so that it is comfortable and specific to you.

Massage therapy online training courses are usually self-help courses that give you the general basics of massage therapy. They are typically for general interest only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. They are commonly not government or provincial /state approved courses – and you need this approval to obtain your registration or license to practice therapeutic massage.

Massage Therapy Online Training : For Students

Online massage therapy training may cover the more “academic” courses that just require reading as compared to the hands on component of treatment courses, anatomic palpation and remedial exercise.

You must remember, this type of profession requires an extreme amount of hands-on experience in order to excel. The knowledge you gain from physically working on clients and other students is vital. The best experience you can possibly gain is through hands-on training. It will help you develop confidence in developing your own treatments and in your touch and assessment.

Each province / state will have its own regulations and policies regarding massage therapy. You should check your provincial or state requirements to find out whether they recognize online courses.

There are also online massage therapy products you can buy on the internet to help you with anatomy, physiology etc.

Massage Therapy Online Training for Massage Therapists

If you are already a certified or registered massage therapist, taking advanced courses and additional training on the internet is a great way to expand you knowledge and for this, the internet is a very useful tool.

Massage therapy online training helps current licensed or registered massage therapists maintain their professional status by offering downloadable continuing education units.

If you are a massage therapist interested in online massage therapy courses, advanced techniques and other tricks to help you with your massage therapy practice then subscribe to “PALPATION” Touch for Healing newsletter.